The development of the WACs was a collaborative effort between the Statutory Stakeholders listed below, the public, and the WSCJTC. Stakeholders participated in many ways during the rulemaking process including:
- Hosting public engagement meetings to provide updates about the LETCSA process to their community members
- Attending Statutory Stakeholder workshops to engage in meaningful dialogue and share feedback about the draft WAC rules
- Representing the voices of community members who were unable to attend commission meetings to share their public testimony
- Creating versions of the draft WAC rules for discussion and implementation
Below is a list of stakeholders who participated in the negotiated rulemaking process, a link to their website, and a short description (quoted from their website). We would like to thank them for their continued participation and support.
American Civil Liberties Union
"The ACLU of Washington is the state affiliate of the ACLU. We work to ensure justice, freedom and equality are realities for all people in Washington state, with particular attention to the rights of people and groups who have historically been disenfranchised."
Black Law Enforcement Association of Washington
"The Seattle chapter of the NBPA is an affiliate chapter of the National Black Police Association. Originally named as the Black Law Enforcement Association of Washington, our organization was founded by a group of African American law enforcement personnel form various agencies throughout the state."
Commission on Asian Pacific Americans
"The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs is a state agency with an advisory board of 12 commissioners who are appointed by the governor to be a voice for Washington’s diverse Asian Pacific American communities.
Our mission is to improve the lives of Asian Pacific Americans in Washington State by ensuring their access to participation in the fields of government, business, education, and other areas."
Community Passageways
"Community Passageways (CP) is a Seattle based nonprofit founded in 2017 with a vision for zero youth incarceration. As a felony diversion and prevention program, CP is leading the way in reimagining and actively creating an alternative today’s criminal legal system."
Community Police Commission
"The Community Police Commission listens to, amplifies, and builds common ground among communities affected by policing in Seattle. We champion policing practices centered in justice and equity."
Council of Metropolitan Police and Sheriffs
"COMPAS represents King County Sheriffs, The Puget Sound Police Managers Association, and Seattle Police Officers at the state level. Because Washington State’s largest law enforcement agencies have special legislative interests, COMPAS represents our members’ interests year-round to ensure that their rights and interests are protected in Olympia."
De-Escalate Washington
"De-Escalate WA is a coalition running I-940, and initiative which would reform state-wide policing standards and change the use of force statue in WA."
Disability Rights Washington
"We are a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights."
Divine Alternatives for Dads Services
"DADS is a grassroots, urban, 501(c)(3) that is leading a movement to eradicate the epidemic of absent fathers in urban America. DADS gives fathers hope by walking together in supportive community, helping navigate relational and legal barriers which separate them from their children and families."
Equal Rights Washington
"Equal Rights Washington (ERW) is Washington's statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) advocacy and community outreach organization. ERW's mission is to ensure and promote dignity, safety, and equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Washingtonians."
Latino Civic Alliance
"Latino Civic Alliance (LCA) is a 501c.3 organization that promotes advocacy and civic engagement in Washington State by encouraging social responsibility and public service. LCA facilitates community and state-based advocacy for Latino/as. We collaborate with the community to improve the public good on the local, state and national level."
National Alliance on Mental Illness
"NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI organization operates at the national, state and local level. NAMI Washington provides educational resources and events, statewide outreach, advocacy and affiliate organizational support."
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Seattle/King County, and Spokane
"The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination."
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement
"The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) serves as the conscience of law enforcement by being committed to Justice by Action. NOBLE has nearly 60 chapters and represents over 3,000 members worldwide that represent chief executive officers and command-level law enforcement officials from federal, state, county, municipal law enforcement agencies, and criminal justice practitioners."
Office of the Attorney General
"The mission of the Office of the Attorney General is to provide excellent, independent, and ethical legal services to the State of Washington and protect the rights of its people."
One America/NW Immigrant Rights Project
"OneAmerica® is the largest immigrant and refugee advocacy organization in Washington State, organizing with and advocating for diverse communities including Latinx, African, and Asian. OneAmerica plays an active and leading role in state and national coalitions working on immigrant rights, education, economic and environmental justice, voting rights, and immigrant integration."
"Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project strives for justice and equity for all persons, regardless of where they were born."
Public Defender Association
"The Public Defender Association (PDA) is a non-profit corporation which advocates for justice system reform and develops alternatives that shift from a punishment paradigm to a system that supports individual and community health. We also provide technical assistance to community partners who are committed to these goals."
Puyallup Tribal Council
"The Puyallup Tribe of Indians have lived along the shores of the Puget Sound in Washington State for thousands of years. The people of the Puyallup Tribe have been known for “generous and welcoming behavior to all people who enter our lands.” Living off the waters of the Puyallup River fed by Mount Rainier, the Puyallup People fished, hunted and traveled by these waters."
WA Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
"WASPC is the only association of its kind in the nation combining representatives from local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement into a single body, working toward a common goal. WASPC's function is to provide specific materials and services to all law enforcement agencies in the state, members and non-members alike."
WA Commission on African American Affairs
"The role of the Commission on African American Affairs is to examine and define issues pertaining to the rights and needs of African-Americans and make recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature and state agencies for changes in state programs and laws."
Washington Asian Pacific Islander Coalition
"The Asian Pacific Islander Coalition (APIC) is dedicated to promoting equitable access to culturally competent and linguistically accessible health and human services, economic development for small businesses, civil and human rights, equal access to education and other concerns of Asian Pacific Americans, including immigrants, refugees, and citizens, in Washington State."
Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
"The Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys was founded in 1975 and is a non-partisan, non-profit service organization dedicated to the training and support of county prosecutors. WAPA serves as a voice for county prosecutors at the state and national levels, and acts as a liaison between counties and other levels of government through research, training, and lobbying."
Washington Coalition for Police Accountability
The Washington Coalition for Police Accountability (WCPA) centers families and communities impacted by police violence. Members include families who have lost loved ones to police use of deadly force, I-940 campaign leaders, civil rights organizations, Tribes, labor unions, the faith community, and activists committed to ending the violence present in police culture and practices.
WA Council of Police & Sheriffs
"The Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs is recognized as the largest, oldest, and most influential organization representing law enforcement professionals in Washington State. We are committed to protecting the rights and quality of life of law enforcement officers through legislative action, legal defense, and the provision of quality long-term disability, life, and other insurance products."
WA Fraternal Order of Police
"The WAFOP represents over 2,500 law enforcement officers in the state and directly associated by the National FOP with over 335,000 members. The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest professional law enforcement organization in the nation."
WA State Patrol Trooper’s Association
"Formed in 1980, the WSPTA represents all troopers and sergeants within the Washington State Patrol. The objectives of this Association shall be to negotiate and administer a collective bargaining agreement between it and the State of Washington, to work for the betterment of the hours, working conditions of its members, and to engage in such activities as are necessary to fulfill such purposes."
Yakama Nation
"Located in southwestern Washington State is the 1,130,000 acres reservation that is home to the Yakima or Yakama Indian Nation (AID,39)."