In an effort to respond to officers’ need for brief, easy to read updates on new case law and legal changes, the LED is transitioning to a monthly LED Online Training format. Select court rulings are summarized briefly, arranged by topic, and focused on how the legal rulings may impact current law enforcement practices. The initial format is a click through pdf file intended to be easily used by individual officers or in a group roll call briefing. Each cited case includes a hyperlinked title for those who wish to read the court’s full opinion. Links have also been provided to key Washington State prosecutor and law enforcement case law reviews and references. The materials contained in the LED Online Training document are for training purposes. All officers should continue to consult with their department legal advisor for guidance and policy as it relates to their particular agency.
The monthly Law Enforcement Digests (LED) are available on the Acadis platform so those who complete the LED will earn training hours, one training hour for each LED completed. Please contact your training officer if you want this training assigned to you.
LED Issues 2009 - April 2024
Special Topics
Law Enforcement Legal Update Outline: Cases on arrest, search, seizure, and other topical areas of interest to law enforcement officers; plus a chronology of independent grounds rulings under Article I, Section 7 of the Washington Constitution.
By John R. Wasberg (Retired Senior Counsel, Office of the Washington State Attorney General)
This article will be updated at least once each year. It was last updated July 1, 2024.
Initiation of Contact Rules Under Fifth Amendment
By John R. Wasberg (Retired Senior Counsel, Office of the Washington State Attorney General)
This article will be updated at least once each year. It was last updated July 1, 2024.
Eyewitness Identification Procedures: Legal and Practical Aspects
By John R. Wasberg (Retired Senior Counsel, Office of the Washington State Attorney General)
This article will be updated at least once each year. It was last updated July 1, 2024.
Confessions, Search, Seizure and Arrest: A Guide for Police Officers and Prosecutors May 2015
By Pamela B. Loginsky, Staff Attorney, Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys