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Additional Training Resources
On this page you will find various online training courses and supplemental training resources available for law enforcement, corrections, and other public safety personnel.
If you have a resource to share, or discover a broken link, please contact Leanna Bidinger at leanna.bidinger@cjtc.wa.gov
Notice: Publicly distributed information and information about free online training is provided to the public safety community of Washington as a courtesy and not as an endorsement of any specific program. The decision to use publicly distributed information or any free online training is at the discretion of each agency.
Online Training Resources
Successfully Investigating and Prosecuting Sexual Assault
Free Sexual Assault Online Training – The OnLine Training Institute (OLTI) of End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) provides state-of-the-art training to anyone who is interested, on the topic of criminal justice response to sexual assault. The OLTI is free, there is no cost to register, enroll, or complete any of the training modules.
Sexual Assault Kit Initiative – Virtual Academy
The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Virtual Academy offers online trainings and resources to help improve jurisdictions capacity to investigate, prosecute, inventory, and track sexual assault kits and provide trauma-informed victim services advocacy.
Online Elder Abuse Training for Legal Service Providers
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), in collaboration with the Access to Justice Initiative and the Elder Justice Initiative, has released the first three modules of a free online elder abuse curriculum for legal service providers. The first three modules in this six-part series, What Every Legal Services Lawyer Needs to Know About Elder Abuse, Practical and Ethical Strategies, and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, offer an interactive online approach providing basic information and tools to identify and address the needs of elders who may be experiencing abuse. The training includes a variety of information, tools, and resources, from interactive client scenarios to printable materials.
Pedestrian Safety Training for Law Enforcement
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released a “Pedestrian Safety Training for Law Enforcement Interactive Training and Resource Guide.” It’s an interactive, computer-based training program. A CD can be ordered at no charge by contacting NHTSA.
Officer Involved Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Training
The National Prevention Toolkit on Officer Involved Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking is a project of the Law Enforcement Families Partnership (LEFP) at the Institute for Family Violence Studies within Florida State University’s College of Social Work. The Toolkit is part of a broad-based effort to educate officers and support healthy families and communities. Please note that the domestic violence training is not a batterer intervention program and is not for use when violence has already occurred. This training is free to law enforcement personnel.
Training Officers click on “Contact Us” to obtain your initial login. Florida State University’s Institute for Family Violence will send you the initial login for the program. The WSCJTC recognizes each module of the program as one hour of training.
National Victim Assistance Training
The Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) has several free online training opportunities available, topics include Identity Theft, Elder Abuse, Understanding Human Trafficking and more. All of these opportunities are online and free. This site also has toolkits, instructor materials, webinars and other resources available.
National Institute of Justice Online Training Courses
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) offers free online self-paced courses on a variety of topics, once you register the online catalog of courses is available to you.
Law Enforcement Innovation Center – Institute for Public Service
The University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center Institute for Public Service has online law enforcement courses available, some of the courses available are free and some have a small fee. Some of the available topics include School Resource Officer Update, Expert Witness Training, First Line Leadership and Supervision, and Supervising Crime Scene Investigators.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has a free online course titled A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention. If you have been called on to develop or expand a suicide prevention program in a state or community, and you want it to have maximum impact, then this course may be for you. A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention can help you identify activities that will be effective in addressing the problem of suicide and help you prioritize your efforts. To bring the approach to life, this training presents a case study that illustrates how a community task force applies the strategic planning process to their work. This course can be completed in approximately two or three hours. To receive a certificate of completion, you must complete each lesson, pass the post-test (passing score is 80% or higher), and answer the feedback survey questions. This course provides two hours of training.
National Institute of Corrections
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) as numerous online courses posted on its learning center. Topics include budgetary considerations, strategic thinking, green business, motivating others, managing conflict, and team building. The courses are free for corrections professionals.
Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative
The US Department of Homeland Security has made The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative training available for free. The training provides frontline law enforcement personnel with training to supplement their observation skills in recognizing behaviors and incidents that may indicate criminal activity associated with, or leading up to, terrorism. The training focuses on the critical role line officers have in the effective implementation of the SAR process by identifying - and documenting - suspicious activity.
FBI Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP)
The Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) is a secure platform for law enforcement agencies, intelligence groups, and criminal justice entities. LEEP provides web-based investigative tools and analytical resources, and the networking it supports is unrivaled by other platforms available to law enforcement. Users collaborate in a secure environment, use tools to strengthen their cases, and share departmental documents. Once you request access you can register for online training courses and have access to resources, this is a free service – however you must be law enforcement personnel to be granted access.
VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program
The VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program helps law enforcement officers remain physically and mentally prepared for duty, in order to return home safely after every shift. Through a multifaceted approach that includes delivering no-cost training (professional education), conducting research, developing and providing resources, and establishing partnerships that benefit law enforcement officers, the Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement and Ensuring Officer Resilience and Survivability (VALOR) Initiative is an effort to improve the immediate and long-term safety, wellness, and resilience of law enforcement officers. At their website you will find an array of resources, toolkits and online training options.
Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths
The Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths (IPICD) has a free online course available titled One Breath. FACT: Talking does not equal breathing. FACT: One or two breaths do not equal breathing, either. These are dangerous misunderstandings about breathing. The IPICD staff and Board of Directors believe they have a social responsibility to offer this tuition-free online training program as one way to educate officers and other interested parties about ventilation, respiration, breathing difficulties, and agonal breathing. This is a two-hour online course.
FEMA IS-700 Introduction to the National Incident Management System
FEMA has made the IS-700 available in an online self-study format. The independent study course was released in June 2018, the addition of the Instructor Led Training materials provide the flexibility of a classroom delivery. Students are still required to take the final exam on the Independent Study website to receive credit for the course.
Mental Health and Wellness Training
Deer Hollow Recovery and Wellness Center
Deer Hollow Recovery and Wellness Center offers mental health and wellness training trauma focused for first responders. In this free training you will learn from nationally recognized trauma therapists on topics relating to Post Traumatic Stress, Shame Resiliency, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure, and much more. Deer Hollow also has an in-person Recovery and Wellness Center in Draper, Utah. If you would like free Mental Health and Wellness Training for your agency personnel please contact Jared Nesary at jaredn@deerhollowrecovery.com.
Additional Resource Information
RADAR/LIDAR Training Materials
The Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) has updated the curricula for the Speed Measuring Device Operator Training course (RADAR/LIDAR). Updates include a new instructor’s manual, supplemental material, handout(s), practical exercise(s), blank tests for students and test with answers. Each participant manual includes the manual and supplemental material.
Forensic Science Degree
The team at CriminalJustice.com put together a helpful guide breaking down what earning a forensic science degree entails. They wanted to make it as easy as possible for students to decide if the discipline is right for them and how to proceed if it is. In addition, they researched a general criminal justice education and created a guide specific to Washington State.
Crime Analysis and Investigations Program
Pierce College has a Crime Analysis and Investigations program that consists of eight 5-credit courses, conveniently offered online to fit your schedule. It is designed for people new to the field and current law enforcement professionals who want to advance their careers. Many classes can be applied to a two year associates degree or transfer to a four year degree program.
Coffee with a Cop Program
The Coffee with A Cop program was launched in 2011 by Officers from the Hawthorne Police Department in Hawthorne, California that were looking for ways to interact with the citizens they serve each day. The program has flourished and events are held all over the country. The national Coffee with A Cop day is the first Wednesday in October each year – however, the Coffee with A Cop website has a lot of valuable resources for community policing. There is event information, training opportunities, and a store to order items for your own events.
National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
Shared Hope International
Shared Hope International strives to prevent the conditions that foster sex trafficking, restore victims of sex slavery, and bring justice to vulnerable women and children. They envision a world passionately opposed to sex trafficking and a community committed to restoring survivors to lives of purpose, value and choice – one life at a time. Shared Hope International proactively supports the legislative, law enforcement, and social services communities with timely and effective reports, studies, surveys and exemplary legislation aimed at eradicating human trafficking. At their website you can find access to policy research, resources, training guides, video series, action kits, books, and printable community resources.