The Advanced Police Judo Course will build on the principles introduced in the Use of Force Control and Defensive Tactics Course (6240 UOF/CDT). With an understanding of the concepts introduced in 6240, this advanced course will broaden the instructor’s knowledge and ability related to the disruption of a suspect’s posture, base, and structure to leverage that subject, and gain a position of advantage over them using the least amount of force necessary to affect an arrest. With the safety of all involved parties in mind, instructors will be exposed to various entry techniques, trips, and reaping skills designed to limit the amount of force necessary to effectively take an individual into custody. Advanced Police Judo topics will include:
- Additional entries and opportunities for the underhook series.
- Countering and hand fighting against underhooks, bear hugs and leg grabs.
- Additional trip and reap techniques.
- Introduction to leg grabs and headlock techniques.
- Teach backs and student demonstrations.