Training & Education

WSCJTC holds a variety of courses for those in the law enforcement, corrections, public safety and the criminal justice field. Many of these courses have prerequisites that must be met and may only be open to certain individuals. Click any course below for more information on availability and requirements.

Disclaimer: The courses labeled as WSCJTC are fully supported by Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, all registration, curriculum, and instructors are managed by Commission. 

Substance Use Disorders

The following courses are designed to provide information and tools for law enforcement personnel who are responding to situations related to drug use and substance use disorders (SUD), including arriving first on the scene of overdoses and other crises.

Utilizing subject matter experts to present evidence-based and promising practices, the goal of these trainings is to increase officers’ knowledge and skills when interacting with people who use substances.


Responding to Scenes with Suspected Fentanyl- Flyer

Responding to Scenes with Suspected Fentanyl- Wallet Card

Jail Fentanyl Scene Response and Wallet Card

Title Training Number Location Description Training Type
Enhancing Collaboration Across Silos - Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative 8019-1 Virtual
Enhancing Collaboration Across Silos
Full Description
Collaboration is essential to effectively address mental health, substance use, and/or social issues that intersect with public safety. Many communities struggle to break down silos and build a collaborative response to address quality of life concerns. This training will provide strategies for building and maintaining multi-disciplinary teams, essential for collaborative response. Additionally, participants will learn the role of these teams in developing effective alternative response, co-response, and diversion programs. It will delve into promising practices and illustrate real-world examples of successful initiatives, specifically from the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Program (LEAD) in Snohomish County, WA, and the Community Alternative Response Everett (CARE) in the City of Everett, WA. The presentation will also illuminate the role of the Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative (PAARI) and its support for non-arrest deflection and diversion programs within police and
public safety sectors.

The Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative (PAARI) provides training, strategic guidance, support, and resources to help law enforcement agencies nationwide create non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery.

April 17, 2025
Training Dates
04/17/2025 - 04/17/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
10/19/2024 - 04/16/2025
Available Seats
1h 30m
Training Location

Virtual Classroom

See Session Information for Meeting Links.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal
How Co-Response with SUD Peers is Changing the Way Police Respond to Challenging Crisis Calls 8028-2 Virtual

This 2-hour presentation will feature Peer WA and a panel of subject matter experts involved in co-response teams throughout Washington State. They will share insights on how co-response models are transforming police responses to crisis situations involving substance use disorders.

This course is currently available to law enforcement and corrections personnel. If space permits, behavioral health specialists and others may be able to enroll closer to the course date.

Pre-Arrest Diversion/Deflection: "Changing the LE Paradigm"- #1 -What is Deflection? 8032-1 Virtual

In this course, students will learn about:

a. The history of deflection
b. The science of addiction
c. Key terms and concepts
d. Law Enforcement role in deflection
e. Building a plan for deflection programming

This is part one of a four-part series. Courses can be taken individually.

To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to assign the training to you via Acadis.

Pre-Arrest Diversion/Deflection: "Changing the LE Paradigm"- #2- Building Coalitions 8033-1 Virtual

In this course, students will learn:

a. Why we need diverse partnerships
b. Relationships equal mission success
c. Who should be at the table
d. Giving your partners a voice
e. Becoming servant leaders in your deflection program

This is part two of a four-part series. Courses can be taken individually.

To register for the course, contact your training manager, who will assign the training to you via Acadis.

Pre-Arrest Diversion/Deflection: "Changing the LE Paradigm"- #3- Implementation & Operation 8034-1 Virtual

In this course, students will learn:

a. Which deflection model serves your community needs
b. Define the mission / What will you need
c. Data collection & case management
d. Agency buy-in
e. Developing policy & procedures
f. Taking the first step

This is part three of a four-part series. Courses can be taken individually.

To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to assign the training to you via Acadis.

Pre-Arrest Diversion/Deflection: "Changing the LE Paradigm"- #4- Sustainability 8035-1 Virtual

In this course, students will learn:

a. Documenting activity
b. Continuing and growing the collaboration
c. Identifying funding
d. Open to other ideas and approaches
e. As the problem changes so might your approach.
f. Where do we go from here.

This is part four of a four-part series. Courses can be taken individually.

To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to assign the training to you via Acadis.

Recovery Navigators- Peer Support for Those Justice-involved 8030-2 Virtual
Recovery Navigators- Peer Support for Those Justice-involved
Full Description
This 90-minute presentation will be conducted by Peer WA and will include a panel of subject matter experts who have been engaged in supporting justice-involved individuals.

The Recovery Navigator Program (RNP) is a statewide effort in that connects people with substance use disorders (SUD) and behavioral health challenges to community resources. The program's goal is to reduce barriers to services, increase engagement, and decrease involvement in the criminal justice system.

Students will learn how the partnership between jail staff and peer supporters is saving lives and money through the Recovery Navigator Program in Washington State. The presentation will include services provided, including re-entry services, challenges and how to mitigate them and success stories.

Peer Washington cultivates powerful, healthy lives by providing peer emotional support and development services to disparately impacted communities throughout Washington state.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

• Understand what peer support is and how peers can support justice involved individuals
• Recognize the types of peer support and how they intersect with law enforcement
• Articulate the Return on Investment (ROI) and cost savings
• Identify positive outcomes from an officer’s perspective including ways that peers can be an asset to officers

April 4, 2025
Training Dates
04/04/2025 - 04/04/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
12/05/2024 - 04/03/2025
Available Seats
1h 30m
Training Location

Virtual Classroom

Reporting Instructions
None Specified
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal
SHIELD- Protecting Those Who Serve During the Overdose Crisis 8025-4 Virtual

SHIELD trains police officers how to be safe, healthy, and more effective when performing their duties during the overdose crisis. It is a vital resource at a time when police are being asked to do more with less, while facing high risks and reduced public support.

SHIELD's skills-based learning is delivered peer-to-peer by the SHIELD training team, which is led by a retired police chief and includes research staff at Northeastern University and public health experts. Using an interactive instructional design and customized local information, the three modules are delivered in a single session in person or by Zoom.

Module 1: Resilience. Provides key facts about stress
and burnout. Builds skills for recognizing and
problem solving to remedy the effects of vicarious
trauma, compassion fatigue, and toxic stress.

Module 2: Officer Safety. Provides essential
information about risk levels and operational safety
techniques for needlestick injuries, infectious disease
transmission, field exposure to fentanyl, overdose rescue,
and stimulant-involved encounters.

Module 3: Public Safety. Provides strategies and best
practices for improving health and safety and
reducing stress burdens through linkages with
treatment and supportive service providers.

Substance Use Disorder- Introduction to SUD for Corrections 8026

This introductory course is designed to help you understand why Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is considered a chronic brain disease and how your interactions within the corrections setting can have a positive or negative effect for people using drugs.

You will learn to recognize behaviors that might be substance use related and how to engage with people based on those behaviors to have the best possible outcomes.

You will be introduced to community members with lived experience, and learn some of the risk factors, such as trauma, that can lead to substance use and that recovery is possible.

Tactical Trauma Training: Deer Hollow Unraveling PTSD and Strengthening Resilience 8031 Virtual

This 90-minute, virtual course delves into the impact of neuroscience and psychotherapy on the lives of first responders.